the original
All Cattle Need One
Our Expertise
As the developer and manufacturer of the original cattle bolus, we have proudly remained the market leader for 30 years, producing almost 35 million cattle boluses globally. Our advanced bolus technology, gives long term sustained release of 6 trace elements and 3 vitamins.
animal health supplement
6 months / 180 days supplementation
of 6 essential trace elements
& 3 vitamins
4 months / 120 days supplementation
of 6 essential trace elements
& 3 vitamins
How an EnduraBol bolus is constructed?
How to administer
Why Choose Rumbol Endurabol or brinibol Boluses?
All our boluses contain 6 trace elements and 3 vitamins which help cater to the dietary requirements of cattle. These key trace elements and vitamins are often not adequately supplied by grass and forage alone.
Improve Cattle Health
Avoiding nutritional deficiencies is key to promoting cattle health.
Peace Of Mind
Knowing all your cattle are protected each day of the boluses active life
Optimise Growth Rate
Young cattle need correct trace element and vitamin supplementation for optimal growth
Simple And Easy To Use
With a 6-8 month active life EnduraBol boluses easily fit into any production system
Maximise Fertility
Calving is a metabolically stressful process and correct nutrition plays a key role to reducing this stress. This eases the calving process. Conception rates can also be reduced by an imbalance in nutrition.
No Waste
The bolus completely erodes leaving no residue in the reticulum.